Thursday, January 10, 2008


Today I had a meeting cancelled that was scheduled about 3 weeks ago. And, it was going to be a big meeting.

Doesn't it just drive you crazy when that happens. You are preparing to go to the meeting, get all your stuff together for the day, and then, at the last minute, there is that telephone call. "I'm sorry," she says" but Mr... has to cancel the meeting for today. Glad that I was able to get to you before you left your office and flew 5,000 miles to meet with him!"

It's as if people weren't even thinking about you, and I guess they were not! Some how we are treated as vendors no matter what we do.

That brings me to the topic of today. The reality of selling is that it all about business. It isn't personal. Its just business. But, it is about you, after all, selling is the way that you pay the rent, etc.

And there is more to that: you have been taught that the sale is made by people who are liked. And the relationship is everything. I think that all of that is a bunch of crap. Too many times, I have heard from salespeople that they have done everything that they could to make sure that the relationship was solid. Then, they don't get the business, or the guy drops them! See, in my opinion, it is really about the quality of your product and the ability to deliver on what you promised. The sales person maybe 50% of the sale, but the product must meet the expectations of the buyer.

We will talk about this later.

Good Selling,



Anonymous said...

Mr. Schiffman,

I really enjoy your books, and am a big fan of your work. I agree with most of what you say in this post, but I think that, in addition to the quality of what you're selling, it's really about your ability to pre-qualify someone. You can then sell your product or service to their needs.

Thanks for the great information!

Mark J. Schmidt

Anonymous said...

Like you really care about people's feelings?!!