Sunday, August 3, 2008

A new kind of prosperity

I have been thinking about the economy and sales, as I am sure that many of you have. There is no question that things will never be the same as before. We will never see $2 gas, low food costs, lower taxes and mortgages given out so freely.

In other words, its different now(! )and will not change back.

Does that mean there is no chance to be prosperous? Just the opposite. There will always be new opportunities and even better challenges in the future. And, "the future" is a long time.

It will just be a new kind of prosperity. A different way in which we value those items that are important to us. For one thing, there maybe less things to hold, or less of it. Instead of the big, very big car we will drop down ten sizes and drive the Smart Car which gets better mileage. We will have a better quality of organic foods, or expensive, but better in taste and substance. We will be dividing jobs into white collar, blue collar and green collar.

We will sell differently. If the country goes on a four day work week of 10 hours a day, we will need to adjust our selling schedule and learn how to use the phone, fax, Internet, video conferencing better and more efficiently. We will be truly living in this century.

Up until this point it has been 1900, now we are firmly in the grip of the 2000's and we will change with the calendar.

Good Selling,



Anonymous said...


As far as sales go, you're the man. But this blog is atrocious! A red banner with blue text...are you trying to blind us!?



Stephan Schiffman said...

I like the colors, sorry.

I will work on a new look soon.

thanks for taking the time to review this, and come back soon.
