Monday, July 16, 2007

To remember

There are things that can be learned from every sales experience:

Here are five items that I was thinking about this weekend, as I was evaluating my own sales:

1. Make sure that you ask the questions that matter. Do not ask for the sake of asking.

2. Take appropriate notes. Don't be foolish and try to be a court reported. Write down the things that matter.

3. Always make sure that you thank the person afterwards. I asked one of my own sales people if he always wrote a thank you notes, and I will NOT tell you what he said. But it wasn't "yes".

4. Try to always talk to right person. The problem is that you get stuck with different people who represent themselves to be the right one. Sometimes you just have to punt and hope for the best.

5. Finally, be as open minded as you want the prospect to be. Stay alert for ideas that you can help with, and never ever think something is "silly".

BTW: my new book just hit the stores : SALES PRESENTATIONS (THAT REALLY WORK). Adams, Boston, Mass. Available in the stores or on Amazon.
check it out!
Good selling,



Anonymous said...

some things never change. i remember during our time working together, you always wrote a thank you note to those you met with in your travels. from you i learned to always write a thank you note following a job interview. thank you for teaching me that important lesson.

Vicki L.

Anonymous said...

Sending thank you notes is a great tip! I always send a "Thank You" e-mail after a meeting. It's a very courteous thing to do and it means your prospect will have your contact details on their computer. I also send birthday cards to my clients and that always goes down well.

Tanina, Scotland.