Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday, oh wonderful Sunday

Sunday is one of those days that seems to be on the sales person's mind more than any other day. Perhaps that is because it is the day that we plan out the week, or at least the week becomes real for us. I get up early most days, Sunday included. But instead of the day taking its to speak, I usually use this time, in the morning to plan out the week. This week I have several sales calls in New York, Philly and then in Europe for the day. Next week I go to LA for most of the week. So, it is important that I really plan out two weeks in advance. I need to think about what it is that I will need for the next few days, then next week. On Monday I have to prepare for next Monday as well.

So, what does all this mean. It means that for the Sales person who doesn't have the organizational skills necessary, Monday is the worst day of their lives. They struggle to get through the day, trying to plan on the fly. And that does NOT work.

If you are reading this, and it happens to be a Sunday, make sure you sit down and plan. If this is another day of the week, at least mark off next Sunday as the day you will plan for the up coming week.

I am not saying that enjoy all of this, but what I am telling you is that it pays off in a big way. Good Selling. BTW check out the web site for .


Thursday, July 19, 2007

To go around or not, that is the question

So what do you do when you are being blocked by some jerk, and cannot get any traction. Today I had that happen. I knew if I did not take some pretty tough steps I would lose the deal that had been closed! So I called the CFO and the CEO and set up meetings with both. They both know me, so they were OK in seeing me, and I do have meetings with them.

Yet I understand the deal can back fire. They could call everything off if I complain, or the jerk could kill the deal by telling them that I am hard to work with. So what would you do, there is no right or wrong answer. Either way all can be lost. Let me know what you think and if you have ever faced this before.

Good Selling,


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


So it is Wednesday, raining out side, and fully a crappy day to sell. I remember long ago when I was faced with another day like this. I was selling for a magazine, and the rain came down. I thought to myself, why should I be out there. I would just get wet! So, I went to the movies thinking that no one would be there, after all it was 12noon. To my surprise every other sales person in New York was doing the same thing. There they were with their samples kits or brief cases. I stood there, and it was then that I said I will never be like them. I turned around and walked out the find a prospect or two. I was sure, and still am, that was the best decision I made in my life.

good selling,


Monday, July 16, 2007

To remember

There are things that can be learned from every sales experience:

Here are five items that I was thinking about this weekend, as I was evaluating my own sales:

1. Make sure that you ask the questions that matter. Do not ask for the sake of asking.

2. Take appropriate notes. Don't be foolish and try to be a court reported. Write down the things that matter.

3. Always make sure that you thank the person afterwards. I asked one of my own sales people if he always wrote a thank you notes, and I will NOT tell you what he said. But it wasn't "yes".

4. Try to always talk to right person. The problem is that you get stuck with different people who represent themselves to be the right one. Sometimes you just have to punt and hope for the best.

5. Finally, be as open minded as you want the prospect to be. Stay alert for ideas that you can help with, and never ever think something is "silly".

BTW: my new book just hit the stores : SALES PRESENTATIONS (THAT REALLY WORK). Adams, Boston, Mass. Available in the stores or on Amazon.
check it out!
Good selling,


Thursday, July 12, 2007

New computer

Today I am working on a new computer and am having trouble with the settings. Nevertheless, I want to finish off what I started yesterday about the committee meeting. But I think that I will wait for tomorrow. Sorry.

Good Selling,


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

This time

Went on a sales call this morning.
It was with a committee of VPs of a company. Tomorrow I will write about how to handle committees, no matter who they and how they make the decision.

Good Selling,


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Back from time off and have thought about the following:
1. Always prospect
2. Keep in touch with existing clients
3. Never assume anything
4. Call people and remind them of who you are
5. Keep up with technology
6. Keep managing your self
7. Create a new vision for your self every year
8. Don't quit while you are ahead
9. Don't let them get to you
10. Become the winner that you know you are

Good Selling,