Monday, September 29, 2008

85-90% rule

Here's something to think about. In a study that I found it was determined that between 85-90% of companies, or individuals who leave their current vendor do so because of a screw up.

That is to say, the current vendor screwed up so badly that they drove the buyer away into the hands of a new seller...perhaps you!

This now begs the question of how to stay in the front of the person who is not buying from you, but one day, will be looking for a new

How much contact do you have with non-buyers. Most sales people will say that it is limited since that is the job of marketing. You and I earn our living by selling, we need to find ways to be more visible, even with the marketing support.

Are you sending out reminders? Are you emailing with ideas? Are you calling with invitations to events that might interest them? Are you letting them know that you are interested in having their business if not now, then later?

All of these are important reminders for you. Never let them forget you.

Good Selling,


1 comment:

Defmall said...

Good Post Steve. And very true.
Some sales people spend so much time on just maintaining existing accounts that they give little thought to how to get more business out of that account..and how to deal with accounts they are not selling to at all.

Communication is the key to good selling. Communicating with non-customers is just as vital as communicating with 'existing' customers.