Friday, September 19, 2008

The numbers

Whenever I speak before a group, there is always someone who tells me that selling is a "numbers game". Make more calls, etc., etc., etc., etc.

So, if that is true, I say, then what are YOUR numbers?

No one seems to have the answer to that questions. Odd, isn't it?

You would think that since everyone seems to feel that the numbers are so important, they would track them, and be ready at moment's notice to reply to that question.

But, they are NOT!

Few sales people, and managers, really know or understand their ratios. What do they mean, even if they have them down.

I never got that!

Here's the question, do you?

I will talk more about this later.

Good selling,



Dave said...

Good point! I suppose it is just human nature to avoid being vunerable. There are lots of things we admit we should do, but we don't do them. We don't track the numbers in part because we fear someone might see them and draw the wrong conclusions.

Max Rosenthal said...
