Sunday, April 27, 2008

Can SALES success be determined?

I believe that the easiest thing in the world to determine is whether you will be successful in sales. That is not to say that there are not allot of noise that will get in the way, or that you will be mislead, but for the most part by following a simple formula I (and you) can determine if you will be OK this quarter and the next and the next.

I have written, so many times, that prospecting is the key for most sales people, and here again, it enters into the discussion. But, let's change the word from prospecting to "starts", which means anything that you want it to be. It could be cold calling, knocking on doors, calling existing clients, taking inbound telephone calls, or even sitting and waiting for something to happen. It doesn't really matter so long as it starts, and you understands the ratio between starts and "ends."

Just for today, suppose that you know for every 10 starts you will close a sale. And on any given day there will be 5 starts...they call call them...etc. You know already that you will have 1 sale every two days. And let us say that you have been tracking these numbers and see that the 5 starts each day happens all the time, or averages to the same ratio. You only need to project out for the period of time, and the number will be there.

The above is based on doing nothing but sitting there, which for the inbound rep that is what they do most times, take the calls. No problem.

If, however, you bec0me proactive, and can change the ratios you still know the results.

Go back to the same little test, 10 starts= 1 sale. If you do not have those starts today or this week, you don't have the chance to make the sales.

I can look at the appointment book of any sales person and determine if they will be successful and the money they will hit. No appointments, no sales. More appointments, more sales. Sounds really obvious, but is it?

How many sales people do you know who think it through this you?

The better you understand the ratios and the better you can leverage them, the more successful you will be in sales.

Good Selling,


BTW: away this week, will be back here on Friday or Saturday. Don't let the week get away from you.

Watch the play that the Clinton's will use this week! They are not going to give an inch on anything!


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