Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sales people going green?

Is it possible for you, as a sales person to go green. I think so, and here are some tips that might help you participate in one of the most important issues of our time.

1. Recycle all the paper that you use. The back side of the paper can be used for printing out other documents.

2. Drive less and plan better. Although we always talk about keeping our appointments in one place, really try to consolidate your driving time.

3. Make sure you turn off the computer at night. And, don't recharge more than necessary.

4. Encourage your company to buy from green vendors where possible.

5. Set up a green task force within the sales group and see how many ideas can you come up with. These ideas usually cost no money, and actually are easy to incorporate into your day to day activity.

Now, I would love to tell you that this will save the planet, but it will help.

The real effort has to come from the governments around the world who some how cannot get their act together. For those of you who remember Jimmy Carter's presidency, you know that there has been ample chance to change the dependency on foreign oil and climate warming. But in the typical way, nothing was done about it, then, and my guess, nothing will happen now!

Our leaders need to take firm action on something; anything. It seems to me that there is no vision coming from them.

BTW: let me know what you think.

Good selling,


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