Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Weather can make or break a salesperson's day. How many times are we out in the heat going to or from a meeting, or getting wet walking down the street, or being just plain cold?
We cannot avoid the weather. Now don't get me wrong, I do not want to compare our job to the people who work outside for a living; they have it bad.

But this heat wave reminded me of a story that changed my career.

It was a cold, rainy, windy day in New York and I was out canvassing the street for sales appointments. Those are lots of fun in any weather!

It was so bad outside tat I decided to go to a movie, thinking that would be a place that I would be dry.

I found the theatre, and walked in. There much to my surprise were 1million other sales people! They were doing the same thing, getting out of the cold. I stood there for a moment, and then walked out!

My reasoning was simple, I did not want to be like "THEM". I am not putting anyone down, its just that I realised that if I stayed at the movie I would be like every other sales person. It would never get me to the top, but put me squarely in the middle or bottom.

I never regretted that I did walk out, but I never did see the movie!

Good Selling,


1 comment:

John said...


We at Sales Benchmark Index have been following your Sales Space a Sales blog.

We would like to offer some content your readers might enjoy – a ‘movie trailer’ for the book Topgrading for Sales, which is going to be released on June 16. To view it, please visit www.topgradingforsales.com. Feel free to post a link to it or, if you want to host it locally, we can send you the rich media file.

Thanks in advance for considering the piece. Let us know if we can return the favor.

John Drapeau

P.S. A portion of the profits generated from the book will be donated to Sales and Marketing Executives International, otherwise known as SMEI. You can learn more about them at www.smei.org.