Sunday, June 29, 2008

Very busy, TOO Busy?

I was thinking the other day why I had not written here for a few days, and realized that I was BUSY. It dawned on me at the same time, that is the same excuse that most sales people use to get out of everything that they don't want to do. Let me explain.

I have been traveling, taking care of administrative stuff, thinking, and even taking some time off, all behind the mask of "busy". So it has been easy for me to NOT write here, which is exactly what I don't want to happen. I have found these to be the same excuses that sales people use to get out of the most basic of responsibilities.

In other words, I have use other things as a way to get out of what I need to do. What about you? Have you used reasons of BUSY to not prospect, make that follow up call, do the research needed, go on that last appointment, not finish the proposal on time? All of these things are far more important than being busy. In fact, they are the REAL busy in busy.

Give me your comments.

Good Selling,



Emak Comblang said...

Hi Steve,
It is good to know that you have a blog. I have some books of yours, they are excellent. Your thought has inspired me for years. Cheers.

Unknown said...

Hi Steve,

First off, I have been reading your books now for 5 months, and I apply something from them every day. I even drilled with my wife different scenarios as you suggested in one of the books, and it went great.

I liked what you said about excuses, and people not even doing the basic fundamental actions that get a sale and just doing other 'busy work'. The importance of one over the other cannot even be compared, but we all do that to some degree. However, recognizing that and changing by using self-discipline goes a long way.

Thanks for the blog, I just discovered it, and appreciate that you do it.
