Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today the spell check and the various fonts came up on the machine! Great news for you an for me, the spellling willll beee betttter!

Speaking of spelling, and writing, I as wondering how many people still write thank you notes after their sales meetings. It seems to me that the email has taken over from the so called "snail mail", and no one is writing any more.

If that is true, then it is a shame. The well written, by hand, note always made me feel like the person actually cared enough to take the time to sincerely, or make believe , that they cared. Now with email, I sometimes get a thank you, and most times not.

I too, have fallen into the email cringe, by sending everything instantly. As a society we may have lost the personal touch that was so important years ago.

We all talk about establishing a relationship with the prospect and the client, yet we send emails...really personal. The fact that everything is done by phone, email, blackberry, text, video, etc., has driven us further apart than ever before.

Now is the time to rethink your priorities and come to the conclusion that a handshake, or a handwritten note, may be the real difference.

Good selling,


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