Monday, November 19, 2007


Perhaps this week, before Thanksgiving and then at Christmas are the hardest weeks for a salesperson. After all, what person will see you now?

Ofcourse, I have an answer to that. And that is ANYONE will see you if you called two weeks ago, and not today.

The problem that most sales people started this week this week. In other words, it's as if they did not think that Thanksgiving week was coming, so they did not plan for it. They let the week happen two weeks ago without setting an appointment for this week. They are right, it is hard to get people to pay attention to you now, they are busy with their own thoughts. However, if you had reached them two or three weeks ago you would have appointments now.

So what is a person to do. NOW is the time to prospect for Christmas week. You can call people next Monday with the sole purpose of setting meetings between Christmas and New Year's day. Of course, there will be those that tell you that everyone is off then, not true. There will be those that will tell you that people will have nothing to do, so that is the best week to see them. Not true. This is selling myths, which are full of #$%@!&*
and not true at all. You can all anyone at any time of the year. You can see anyone at any time of the year.

OK, so start calling, and forget the myths.

Good Selling,



Anonymous said...

In addition to selling the product or idea, we are also selling ourselves. Please talk about some of the necessary skills to make ourselves "sellable". i.e., body language, etc.

Anonymous said...

We all have certain traits that we cannot get over. Like our size, or maybe the fact that our hands get wet all the time, what do you do about that?