Thursday, November 29, 2007

Same day

Some one asked me why I use such a large font.The answer is simpler than you probably thought. Its so I can read it!

I try, really do this, to learn something from someone every day. Some times it is easier than others, and some times I have a hard time in thinking through the day and coming up with a lesson.

Today I was asked a question about the webinar that I did today, and why I liked it so much. This is not a learned question, nor will this be a great answer. I am not sure if it is a question to learn from.

I was thinking that I really feel that what I am supposed to do is to help people. I have felt this forever, and although I don't think that I do it at all, I guess that there are people who would say the opposite. So I learned today that I had fun helping others, which I would think is not a bad lesson after all.

Sales Tip for the moment: always write a thank you note to everyone you meet, and always, always have business cards with you. You never know who you are going to meet.

Good Selling,


Do you think this was too self serving. I might!

1 comment:

Max Rosenthal said...

I hope Gitomer subscribes to your blog. This is a lesson he has not yet learned.