Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hang Up!

I did a webinar today on Cold Calling and got the one question that drives me nuts.

The person asked how to avoid having people hang up onyou when you call them. The answer is simple, you do not!

Part of the job of calling is getting to people. And part of the territory is that people will hang up on you. There is no way around that. To be absolutly frank, if there was a way to avoid it, I would have found it!

Nevertheless, keep calling and keep writting to me about your thoughts on sales. I will let you know the next webinar and maybe you can join me.

Good Selling,


BTW: we had about 200 people on the call, and again, the spell check doesnt work here, so I am sorry for any typos.



Max Rosenthal said...

actually I think it was closer to 115 people. RK - RECORD KEEPING.

Anonymous said...

Your blog has typos regardles of if you use spell check or not. What has the most typos...your blog, books or manuals?

Anonymous said...

Look at the time....Posted at 12:34 p.m. yet the webinar was at 2:00 p.m. 200 people huh? I guess spell check and the clock doesn't work!

Stephan Schiffman said...

Lets address each issue here. The webninar was at 2pm, and I dont know when I wrote the blog, but it was after that! second, there are people, Max who buy tickets for one and then five are on. We have figured out which compnaies do that, and at least 20% cheat. And finally, yes, I am really really bad at spelllinggg, so dont read this! Finally, the things that i write are designed to help sales people sell, not spell!.
