Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's snowing here

It is snowing in New York. And whenever I see the white stuff falling to the ground I am reminded of what I did 40 years ago.

I was working for a design magazine, pretty crappy one at that, and it was a nasty snow filled afternoon. People were going home, but my manager told me to cold call. And there I was out in the blizzrd going from door to door trying to see these, now, imaginary people.

Finally, I had an idea, I would go to a movie! What a great thoguht this was, I would be in the warmth of the theatre, by myself, and I could spend the afternoon like that. This was great, life could not have been better!

So I go to the closest theatre, and walk in. I waited a moment so my eyes would adjust to the darrkeness and started to look for a seat. Every seat was taken by every sales person in NY. Everyone was there, with their brief case or sample bag! I was tripping over that stuff as I tried to wedge myself into a seat.

Then it hit me!

I was going to be like everyone in sales, a jerk in the movies when I should be selling. I stood up and walked out! I would never let that happen to me again, and it never did.

Whenever I get the urge to go to the movie in the middle of the day, or it is snowing here I think of that story. I could have been like every other sales person that day, and maybe forever, and I refused to be like that.

I would not be writing this, or anything else, if I followed my dream of a warm movie theatre.

Good selling,


BTW: spell ckeck is off again!!!!


Anonymous said...

Long in the tooth, long in the tooth

Anonymous said...

Not an original thought in years....

Stephan Schiffman said...

well, if you think so, tell me what you would write!


fgjkf said...

Personally, I enjoy your revealations into yourself. Just now reading your cold calling book and it is direct and to the point.

I appreciate your help.

Stephan Schiffman said...

I think the same person likes to write about he really thinks about me. Duh, really on top of his/her game!
