Saturday, March 22, 2008

THURSDAY/ on Saturday

So I promised you that I would let you know what happened on Thursday. I had three things that were needed to create sales, and I accomplished them all!

As you know I am a believer in advancing the sale to the next step. The first took a meeting with the people to move the sale along by giving them an outline, which they accepted. We have another meeting.

The second was to email one great client a new program that we are introducing in that country to help them develop a fully qualified sales force, and finally there was the prospect that we met for the first time, and are going back to see again.

There is an important lesson here, which I have outlined in the books. In the Big Bang we wrote about the need to create noise, that is to create a sense of urgency within the account or it will fall off the board. That is it will not be viable as a prospect.

But I was also talking to a great sales person about his 3/30 rule. His theory is that if they don't call you back after 3 times, or in 30 days then the sale is dead. I agree with that. Therefore, the need is to keep the activity up. And as I have written you need to keep the prospect engaged in the sales process. All of these techniques work, and I suggest that you try them.

Then other item that has me baffled is why sales people get so stuck on the rejection that they are sure to get. When one puts themselves out in the public there is sure to be something negative about them that people can say. As a sales person you are out there, much more than someone who may sit at home and dream of things they could have been.

Too many people dream about their success but never do anything about it, but dream. Don't be one of them! All it does is produce poorly directed anger. I have seen too many people who say that they have these big plans and then blame everyone for their lack of success/or even for their outright failure. If that is you, get over it, and move on to something productive.

If you are reading this, and feel down about something, get up and do something about it. I had a rep call me and say that his manager was keeping him down. Get over yourself, and either move on, or find a way to deal with the cards that you have.

There, that is my little insipration for the day.

You are the strength of the economy, and for all of you who do that: keep it going. You make things happen, which is what needs to be done. Only the fool doesn't see how important sales is for the economy.

I am traveling this week, so I will not get back to you until Wednesday at the earliest.

BTW: thanks for the email, Rudy. I will get back to you. I know what you mean. And yes, there is someone like that!

Good Selling,


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