Saturday, May 31, 2008

Other blogs

I been reading other blogs, and there any number on the topic of sales. Some of them I have found to be helpful and others a waste of time. A blog serves as a discussion point for sales people, to have a community to talk about sales. There are a few that aren't very commercial, and really only promote the writer.

Then again, to some degree, I guess that is what I am doing, too. One even talks baseball, but that guy is pretty smart about sales so I don't fault him.

Here's is what I have learned: anyone can start a blog. Blogs that are good are very good and they give tips that might help remind you of selling techniques that you have forgotten.

Here's the rub. I am working on rewriting some of the books that went into the stores 15 years ago, labeled as 25 techniques that really work. Those have lasted for a decade and a half, and are still valid. Therefore, my conclusion is in redoing some of the books, is that they are still valid. After all, how much DO you think that sales has changed. Yes, there are NEW resources, but the basic premise being taught is the same. The truth, which cannot be denied, is to close the deal. Most of the writing of sales trainers is a rehash of the same stuff that they have been saying forever,

My word to you is as follows.

1. be careful of what you read
2. understand that these will help you only if you apply the techniques
3. It may not matter what you read, but read something
4. mark as a favorite some the blogs you like, and participate by letting people know what you CAN be positive you don't have to be negative
5. think about what you read and then decide what will work for you

OK, that is it for today. I was on two very good meetings this week. The reason that they are good, is that the potential buyers got it in both cases, and of course there is a next step! The importance is really that these buyers understand that the traditional approach of training doesn't work if it is only an event. I am against event training...where there is only one day to accomplish everything.


Good Selling,


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Free flow:Max for you

Max: you asked me if I had seen the movie, and did I understand the motivation behind his mind. The answer is yes to both questions.

My purpose for writing this is to give people insight into what really happens during the sales day and for them not to feel alone. Selling , by its nature is 99% alone. We are out in the street or in the car, or on the bus or the train, by ourselves. Our managers are waiting to hear from us about the big deal, and that is what we have to deliver.

But in all fairness, there are times when we let our minds wander and we think about other things; like our life.

I was reminded about a situation that occurred to me years ago, and how it changed the path that I was following. I am sure that we all have those stories. And, to a degree we regret that we made that decision. But at the same time, here we are, in a free flow place that we have created for ourselves.

I spoke before a group the other day, and I reminded them how during high school and college we could not wait until it was our turn. Now we are there, and this is as good as it gets. Sales is what we do, and maybe even who we are.

Its great to like sales, and its great to be good at it also. Nevertheless, I see so many people who are unhappy with where they are that you almost want to hug?? them. I think that they need that.

The operative word today is to think out clearly who you are, what you want to do, and then do it. Damn the everything, full speed ahead.

Good Selling,


Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday time to write

Today is one of those days when my biggest job will be to work on developing an outline for two additional books, and proof another. It is early now, and I am out of the city, sitting at the desk with my notes in front of me.

I can not seem to get going. I never have writer's block. For some reason I do now and I am thinking through everything and can not find the path to write.

The three books are the Experienced Salesperson which is done but needs to be re-read, the other two are new. One is on organizational skills for sales people and the next is on Becoming Green in sales. They are all so different and my focus is off.

I checked the other day to see how easy, or not, it was to find this blog, and may add the word "blog" to the title, which seems to help. I am not sure. There are any number of people who visit this site, I know that, but I would like to increase that twice fold. Many of the clients have told me that it really does help them in two ways. The first is that they DO get some tips on sales. The second ; that we are all the same. I get stood up on appointments, not every sale closes and not every day is good. I have really tried to give a real taste of the day when I write to you, and I am getting the feeling that it helps you.

Some of you suggested that I stay away from politics, and others say stay with it. So that is mixed, but I will keep it up anyway.

OK, enough, time to write or maybe watch the TODAY show for awhile. A friend of mine who is also a writer, plays video games when he can't work.

Good Selling,


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Calling today and tomorrow

Are there really born sales people and can everyone really sell. I think that the answer is no to both. While there are people who seem to have a natural skill to selling, there are others who are scared of the word, and maybe that is the way it should be.

I remember many years ago the controversy about the born sales person. There are books about it, and especially in the 60's and 70's people would ask that question. When I first started selling, I was really bad, it fact so bad, I was not going to make it at all.

When I started the business, I needed to get sales for me. I realized that no one was going to CALL me, so I needed to call them. That really started everything, since it was after I realized that fact (duh) that business started to take off. It was then that I realized that no body at the time, had an effective way to set appointments. I tape recorded the calls that I made and listened over and over again, until I could handle anything that any one said to me. And there it was, the real start.

It took me several month before I got my own message. Listen to me now, make the calls like they really matter.

Good Selling,


Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Another day in the life of a sales person. I know that when ever I write about sales, some of you think that I really don't do this stuff, and the truth is the opposite. I still carry a bag, and to be frank, I kind of like it. There is something about selling that is exciting.

So it seems that Hil is going to dropping out soon, not soon enough for me. There now you know my secret, I don't like her. Its not that the other two are any better. What I don't understand is how, after all the years these people have been in power they have not been able to resolve the most basic issues that we are facing today.

It would seem to me that nuclear energy maybe the long term answer, but it will take a long time for that to happen, even under the best of circumstances.

Then again, we can use corn to develop fuel and run the price of food up even high than it is. A man that I was having lunch told me he thought that people would be buying the new, high efficient cars, and driving in the HOV lanes. I think not! I doubt that is possible to change the way we think and live. The democrats want to level the playing field for everyone in the states, which means if you make allot of money, it gets taken from you and given to the next guy. Not right in my book. But then again, what do I know.

All that I can tell you, as one sales person to the next, is that we work too hard for that to happen and be happy about it.
That is about all for today. I will be back tomorrow, and we can talk about sales then.

Good selling,


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I thought that I lost the post from last night, and there it was in draft. OK, so now you can see how crappy I felt last night!

Good Selling,



I am very upset. I wrote at 5pm last night about how crummy the day had gone, and I return this morning to find that all the words are gone! Where do you think they go?

Anyway, I had a pretty bad day yesterday, with everything getting away from me despite the plans that I had to make the day productive. I did not prospect, I failed to write an outline for a new book, I did not complete the calls that I wanted to make. And I was sitting at the desk at 6pm, thinking that the day was gone and so were my goals.

Sometimes, I think, we get into a funk that needs to be turned around. But then time goes against you, and you find yourself behind the curve, and there is no way out of it. In a way it is like a car or horse race, at what point does it strike the horse that he/she cannot possibly win, and just rides with the jockey back home. Dumb example, uh!

Today should be better, I have a 10 meeting, and then again at 2pm, which I hope will result in something. Then I leave for a trip to the west on Wednesday for most of the week, then to Washington DC and then back here late on Monday.

I would like to add a pix of me here, but for the life of me cannot figure out how to do it. I am not that great with the computer.

Good Selling,


Monday, May 12, 2008

Same day

Later in the day:It is close to 5pm and nothing was really done today. Everything took more time than I had expected. I get up early, and am usually here by 7am, unless I have a meeting. I prepare for each day the night before, with a list of things that I need to do. Today, everything got away from me.

I was to work on a new book, but did not have my notes here, and then I had to revise a contract; too much time. Finally, there was an order from the DEI store that took too long to process that I got impatient with the staff doing it, I almost wanted to do it myself.

So I am at lunch, by myself, and I am listening to these guys talk about their sales jobs. They were really down since their market, whatever that was, was way down, and they cannot get anything going. You know the feeling.

I have written before that those feelings are normal and are expected in sales...not that far off base.

Golf sucks, too.

And baseball is highly over rated at this time of the season.

Is hockey even around any more?

And where is Tennis when you need it?

Good selling,



It's Monday, and I was going to be traveling today, but then on Saturday I get an email saying that the meeting has been put off. I don't think that there is anything more frustrating than being cancelled out the day before. What are these people thinking about.

Has that happened to you, of course it has, but it still is upsetting. It's just plan rude or at least inconsiderate.

I remember years ago I had a rep who went to see a particular sales manager, and every time he went there, the guy would stand him up. I finally called him myself, and said, what are you doing, why set the meeting (3X) and not keep it. He said to me that sales people have to learn to put up with tough guys and that is the way it is! Needless to say, I had something things to tell him about treating people.

Sales people get enough crap as it is, they don't need it from a SALES manager!

There is really nothing that you can do; although I have called companies and told them that we would not be doing business with them, since they were not the kind of people that we like.

Today, in NYC anyway, will be one of those rainy, cold, nasty days when sales reps look to stay inside. Don't blame, but stay focused, and keep pushing ahead.

Looks like the Clinton's will have to make the big decision soon.

Good selling,


Thursday, May 8, 2008


A little hype. Today at 2pm, EST, we will be doing one of our webinars on Cold Calling. There is still time to sign up, call us at 800 224 2140 or email

Good Selling,


BTW: thanks to everyone for their advise.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ahead of the curve

I was with a group of financial advisers yesterday, and I made the statement that once you are behind in the dollars, it is almost impossible to catch up. I was challenged by one man, and I thought about this last night.

There is a point in the life of everyone in sales, where they wonder if they are really doing the thing that the like most. In other words, they question the sales job. What is interesting about this is that EVERY body does! The point is whether we can tell that we are so behind the curve that we cannot sell our way out.

I have seen too many sales people who, by not tracking, fail to see what is happening up ahead. They fool themselves into thinking that the "big" sale will be there any moment; all will be right with the world.

I track a special group of folks, and I can see, already, where their year will end. I wonder if they see what I see, or do they sit in a state of denial? I do not know. Do you?

To PT: thanks for the call. The CC book is great, thanks. But also look at "Getting to Close" which will give you more insight into my thinking about sales.

And a special thanks to ML for the kind comments.

BTW: a personal plug, I have a new book coming out in the fall on the more experienced sales person, look for it.

Good selling,


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Green, Green, Green

I seem to be stuck on this idea of going green in America . I started thinking about it last week, and I was in the book store yesterday looking at all the publications that exist on the topic.

There are a million ways that you can contribute, but the one that I found most interesting was with worms in the office. The suggestion is that we get a large glass container, and put worms into it with some dirt. Then everyone throws their left over food, from the office in, and we have great plant food for the new green plants that we have in the office.

I am sorry, but for me, anyway, I am not sure that is such a good idea. Nevertheless, there are ways to help the planet that are better.

However, the issue of the government intervention in all of this still stays with me. After all these years, that the Congress still doesn't have any real answers is stranger than having worms in your office creating mulch for plants!

I know that this has nothing to do with selling, and maybe I should not write about this, but my political affiliations and thoughts are pretty strong. No one has a vision any more and that is the real threat to the planet and to us.

Good Selling,


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sales people going green?

Is it possible for you, as a sales person to go green. I think so, and here are some tips that might help you participate in one of the most important issues of our time.

1. Recycle all the paper that you use. The back side of the paper can be used for printing out other documents.

2. Drive less and plan better. Although we always talk about keeping our appointments in one place, really try to consolidate your driving time.

3. Make sure you turn off the computer at night. And, don't recharge more than necessary.

4. Encourage your company to buy from green vendors where possible.

5. Set up a green task force within the sales group and see how many ideas can you come up with. These ideas usually cost no money, and actually are easy to incorporate into your day to day activity.

Now, I would love to tell you that this will save the planet, but it will help.

The real effort has to come from the governments around the world who some how cannot get their act together. For those of you who remember Jimmy Carter's presidency, you know that there has been ample chance to change the dependency on foreign oil and climate warming. But in the typical way, nothing was done about it, then, and my guess, nothing will happen now!

Our leaders need to take firm action on something; anything. It seems to me that there is no vision coming from them.

BTW: let me know what you think.

Good selling,
