Thursday, May 29, 2008

Free flow:Max for you

Max: you asked me if I had seen the movie, and did I understand the motivation behind his mind. The answer is yes to both questions.

My purpose for writing this is to give people insight into what really happens during the sales day and for them not to feel alone. Selling , by its nature is 99% alone. We are out in the street or in the car, or on the bus or the train, by ourselves. Our managers are waiting to hear from us about the big deal, and that is what we have to deliver.

But in all fairness, there are times when we let our minds wander and we think about other things; like our life.

I was reminded about a situation that occurred to me years ago, and how it changed the path that I was following. I am sure that we all have those stories. And, to a degree we regret that we made that decision. But at the same time, here we are, in a free flow place that we have created for ourselves.

I spoke before a group the other day, and I reminded them how during high school and college we could not wait until it was our turn. Now we are there, and this is as good as it gets. Sales is what we do, and maybe even who we are.

Its great to like sales, and its great to be good at it also. Nevertheless, I see so many people who are unhappy with where they are that you almost want to hug?? them. I think that they need that.

The operative word today is to think out clearly who you are, what you want to do, and then do it. Damn the everything, full speed ahead.

Good Selling,


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