Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Another day in the life of a sales person. I know that when ever I write about sales, some of you think that I really don't do this stuff, and the truth is the opposite. I still carry a bag, and to be frank, I kind of like it. There is something about selling that is exciting.

So it seems that Hil is going to dropping out soon, not soon enough for me. There now you know my secret, I don't like her. Its not that the other two are any better. What I don't understand is how, after all the years these people have been in power they have not been able to resolve the most basic issues that we are facing today.

It would seem to me that nuclear energy maybe the long term answer, but it will take a long time for that to happen, even under the best of circumstances.

Then again, we can use corn to develop fuel and run the price of food up even high than it is. A man that I was having lunch told me he thought that people would be buying the new, high efficient cars, and driving in the HOV lanes. I think not! I doubt that is possible to change the way we think and live. The democrats want to level the playing field for everyone in the states, which means if you make allot of money, it gets taken from you and given to the next guy. Not right in my book. But then again, what do I know.

All that I can tell you, as one sales person to the next, is that we work too hard for that to happen and be happy about it.
That is about all for today. I will be back tomorrow, and we can talk about sales then.

Good selling,


1 comment:

Defmall said...

Thank you for your honesty regarding the election. Too many profesisonals are afraid to admimt that they do not like the Democratic philosophy, for fear of getting a negative reaction for the Lilberal Left.

As a salesperson, I pride myself on the idea that the harder I work, the more money I will make. This is mostly true in almost all profesisons, and I resent the idea of the Democrats trying to make this a Communist/Socialist/Marxist society. We're giving the shop away, and it's an insult and an embarrassment to people who work hard, and ask for no handouts of any kind.

I always respected you as a sales leader/menot and often listen to your CD programs. Now, I respect you as an American, too! LOL!